Friday, November 30, 2018








Associate Director of Research, ANGRAU (Retd.)
13-3-20, Gunturuvarithota,
GUNTUR – 522001 (A P)
Mobile: 98661 75274
For sponsoring Oct. 2018 to Jan. 2019 issues.


“Fake news” – is the talk of the day. It’s sometimes referred as ‘yellow journalism’ or ‘false propaganda’ or ‘lying press.’ Such news was prevalent even in ancient times. It trickled down the time and today people started feeling it. Basically human beings are news-hungry. They like to know what happened around them. News comes in news-papers (print media) and electronic media such as TV, internet and many other devices. There are news reporters all over the world to gather news and pass on to their news media houses. The gathered news enters the print and electronic media in turn. Instant news is announced as ‘breaking news’. The news thus announced is invariably believed by all of us. In fact, most of the news is real. Some of them are fake or paid news. Such malpractices in the media world are not uncommon.

In social media like Face book, twitter, whatsapp etc. anyone from anywhere can post news and views with ease. Those who visit these social media have to decide whether the news posted is real or fake. Sometimes the fake news is shared and they reach millions of people. Photos and videos are morphed in some cases. With the available technology it becomes possible for anyone to do this magic. There are people who believe these magic and share to his/her friends and those friends in turn share to their friends. Thus there is no end to the spread of this magic in no time.

All these activities create thrill in the minds of people. Finding fault with the existing traditional customs or political personalities or any other individual is an unpleasant activity. Social media is only for expressing one’s genuine view. It may be accepted or may not be accepted by others. Responsible persons are expected to understand whether the views are fake or true. Governments are seriously thinking of curbing fake news in media because some fake news is dangerous.

Another aspect of fake news or views is to discredit a person or a product or a service. If the fake news says that a particular product is bad for health people try to avoid buying that product. Similarly the services offered by someone or NGO is discredited by saying that the person is corrupt or the organization is involved in underground activities. As a result the reputation of a person of a NGO is brought down.

“Fake news” – Can we control?  How to identify fake news? One way is to know the source of the news. If the source is genuine then we can believe the news. Similarly the credibility of the author of such news has to be checked. Also one can look into the date of the news. Above all one has to use ones intelligence to analyse whether the news is fake or not.

Therefore the important thing is to curb the fake news and it is urgent too. In today’s world, all kinds of news is spreading throughout the world like forest fire. Necessary legislation has to be laid out so that fake news is abolished from all kinds of media. People will be free of unverified and unwanted news. Some of the standard news media still publish or broadcast genuine news. Hence the media themselves have to take care of fake news. Also those who read news should also be careful in spreading or sharing such news to others. That will go a long way to put an end to “fake news.”


Every noble deed is voluntarySeneca

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. – Anais Nin

Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty and dies with chaos. – Will Durant


1. Eliminate noise and other distractions from your environment. It takes approximately 15 minutes to reach a place of focused concentration. Thus, constant interruptions will stop you reaching that place.
2. Deliberately structure your environment so that the focus is clearly on studying - and not on doing, and seeing, other things. That may mean changing the room you work in, moving your desk, and so on.
3. Clarify your goals for each piece of work. If you don’t know what you’re doing, or you’re hoping to achieve, you’ll likely go in circles, and simply waste your time.
4. Break large areas of study down into smaller sections, and then plan how you’re going to work through each of these.
5. Set reasonable time limits for each portion of the task – and also for completing the final project. That should help to stop you wasting time on needless details, from wandering down blind alleys, and from procrastinating.
6. Be clear about the requirements for each task. For example, what are the guidelines you have to follow? What standard or quality of work is expected? How detailed does your knowledge have to be? If you’re writing as assignment, how long should it be, and what style and format is required?
7. Isolate yourself. Often, it is best if we lock ourselves away, and avoid other people, when we really need to work. Find a place to hide away, or put a sign or your door – but refuse to talk to anyone until the work is done!


In general, highly sensitive people tend:
1. To be more sensitive to sights, smells, sounds, tastes and smells
2. To be philosophical and more in touch with their spirituality
3. To feel highly uncomfortable when being observed (e.g. by a teacher, a boss, during recitals and performances etc.)
4. To have vivid dreams which they remember in great detail
5. To have a deep appreciation for beauty, art and nature
6. To be good readers of others, and of non-verbal cues
7. To experience very powerful and intense emotions
8. To find it difficult to rebound from strong feelings and emotions
9. To be highly empathic and sensitive to others’ feelings
10. To be hard on themselves, and unforgiving of mistakes.


Three guys are stranded in a desert. By a stroke of luck they find a magic genie lamp. The genie grants each of them one wish.
The first guy wishes to be back home. Wish granted…
The second guy wishes to be back home. Wish granted…
The third guy says, “It feels lonely here now, I wish my friends were with me. Wish granted…

The police stop an old guy in questionable condition at 1 am.
“What are you doing out so late, sir?” asks the police officer.
“I’m going to a seminar on ‘The harmful effects of alcohol,” replies the man.
“Are you pulling my leg or something?!” says the police officer. “Who would hold a seminar like that at this hour?
The man sighs, “my wife.”


1. Give up your need to always be right.
2. Give up your need for control.
3. Give up blame.
4. Give up your self-defeating self-talk, and your limiting beliefs.
5. Give up complaining.
6. Give up your need to impress others.
7. Give up your resistance to change.
8. Give up your fears.
9. Give up your excuses.
10. Give up on living your life to fit other peoples’ expectations.



Ø  Be your critic; do not be affected by other’s praise or ridicule.
Ø  Beautiful things happen in your life when you distance yourself from all the negative things.
Ø  Before you judge anyone, make sure you’re perfect.

Everything not saved will be lost.

Meet you next month –2018


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile : 75399 15614



Friday, November 2, 2018






Associate Director of Research, ANGRAU (Retd.)
13-3-20, Gunturuvarithota,
GUNTUR – 522001 (A P)
Mobile: 98661 75274
For sponsoring Oct. 2018 to Jan. 2019 issues.



I enjoy reading books written by famous authors of yester-years. You may enjoy a cricket match live in a TV channel. He or she may enjoy a dance program or a musical concert. Thus everyone enjoys by seeing or hearing or doing something that pleases one. In fact, enjoyment gives pleasure, relaxation, satisfaction and a happy joyful life. But we know that life is not enjoyment alone.

Enjoyment may be classified into two categories as good and bad. People think every enjoyment is good without realizing some are bad for their life. For example, drinking alcohol gives enjoyment in a party. One enjoys the party with friends and relatives. At the same time if one likes to drink alone, daily and becoming addict to alcohol is certainly a bad enjoyment. Such enjoyment spoils the mental and physical health of an individual. Therefore one has to realize and enjoy for the betterment of his/her life.

Many a time people forget to enjoy their life. In fact, one has to enjoy whatever they say and do. Entertainments are for enjoyment. Cinema, dance, music, sports etc. are few of them. Nowadays cinema has become commercial and turns into sensational instead of educational. Social life is pictured in every cinema. In order to make cinema more and more sensational, violent and sexy scenes are inserted in a social film even. In this way cinema creates a thrill in the minds of cine goers who fall a prey to the unsocial activities in life.

When we get satisfaction in anything we do, then it happens to be good enjoyment. Satisfied life is enjoyment from which we get immense pleasure and joy. At every stage of our life we do enjoy life. Playing, studying, working, meeting friends, going to a party, shopping – every activity we undertake in our life is an enjoyment that keeps us happy.

At the same time, there are millions of people who live in this world cannot enjoy life like others. 
They are physically or mentally disabled. Still they try to enjoy life with their will power and support from family and friends. Therefore every human being enjoys life to full satisfaction. Difficulties in life cut short our enjoyment. If we remove the difficulties, then enjoyment is possible. In a sense enjoyment is a kind of mindset. We have to develop such mindset to enjoy. We’re born to enjoy life to our fullest satisfaction. But some are lucky to achieve it, whereas some others are not so lucky to achieve it.

Those who enjoy life should know that they are not enjoying life at the cost of others. Enjoy your life without harming fellow human beings. Love and affection towards others will bring more enjoyment, happiness and joy. Then why don’t we do it?


1. Remind yourself that you are not who other people think or say you are.
2. Remind yourself that everybody makes mistakes at times, has areas of weakness, and things they want to change.
3. Remind yourself of ways in which you’ve grown and changed with time. You’re not who you once were - so celebrate how far you’ve come.
4. Also, the ending isn’t written and the future isn’t fixed. You’re free to change your image, and an old identity.
5. Identify the lies you have believed about yourself – and work on changing them so they’re more accurate and true. Also, don’t reinforce those lies by acting like you think they’re true.
6. Remember that your feelings are not the same as facts. Don’t live based on your feelings … as that will keep you trapped.
7. Hang out with those who see, and who appreciate, your worth. And take their words to heart, and let them help to build you up.


  1.       .    Saying thank you.
  2.           Apologizing when wrong.
  3.           Showing up on time.
  4.           Being nice to strangers.
  5.           Listening without interrupting.
  6.           Admitting you were wrong.
  7.            Following your dreams.
  8.            Being a mentor.
  9.       .     Learning and using people’s names.
  10.         Holding doors open.


      1.      Failure makes the same goal seem less attainable.
2.      Failure also distorts your perceptions of your abilities.
3.      Failure makes you believe you’re helpless.
4.      A simple failure experience can create an unconscious fear of failure.
5.      Fear of failure often leads to unconscious self-sabotaging.
6.      Fear of failure can be transmitted from parents to children.
7.      The pressure to succeed increases performance anxiety and       causes choking.
8.      Willpower is like a muscle – it needs rest and glucose to         function best.
9.      A great way to overcome choking is to whistle or mutter.
10.   The psychologically healthiest response to failure is to focus on        variables in your control.


Synaesthesia is an unusual condition in which two or more of the senses we normally experience separately are experienced together. For example Synaesthete might see sounds, or smell sights. The most common synaesthesia is perceiving letters and number as inherently coloured. This condition is thought to be the result of cross-wiring of the brain and it’s often associated with ‘creative types’, such as artists, novelists, poets and composers. We are all partially synaesthtes. For example, we naturally associate phenomenon from one sense with those from another as can be seen in common cross-sensory metaphors such as ‘smooth voice’ ‘cold night’ ‘sharp taste’ ‘bitter wind’ ‘light music’ and ‘heavy silence.’


I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me... all I ask is that you respect me as a human being. – Jackie Robinson

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. – Winston Churchill


A beggar found Rs. 100/- He went to a 5 – star hotel for dinner… Bill Rs. 3000/-
He was unable to pay…!!
Manager handed him to Police…
The beggar gave Rs. 100/- to police and got free…!
It’s called Financial Management without MBA!!!

Last night I had a salad for dinner. It was a fruit salad. It had grapes. Lots of grapes. It was all grapes. It was WINE.

"Excuse me Sir, have you seen a police officer around?”
“No, not a soul, actually.”
“Very good, now give me your wallet, watch and lap-top.”


Ø  Be ready to move rather than dwelling on your past.
Ø  Be realistic about what you can finish and only take on what is achievable.
Ø  Be sensitive to the feelings of others.
Ø  Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Celebrate your success more often!

Meet you next month – 2018


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP

Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile : 75399 15614