Wednesday, October 30, 2013







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Are we competent enough to comment on others and their actions? A question bothered me since a long time. When I asked some of my friends answered affirmatively. Decisions are being taken at Government level, judicial level, business level and many other levels. Every one of us is not master of all. Still we think we are. So we start commenting on others’ affairs. We may not have the full knowledge of a particular problem such as Nuclear Energy, Genetically Modified Organisms, Foreign Direct Investment, Corruption in high places etc. Still with little knowledge on these problems we express our viewpoints vehemently at times. Such viewpoints invariably will have a selfish motive too.

Each and every viewpoint expressed by everyone has some value. One cannot disregard it out right, because viewpoints are valuable ideas for consideration. Although all viewpoints are not acceptable to the authorities concerned, some of them will certainly provide a chance to think deep before taking a decision. Generally decisions are taken after due consideration to social life and progress of the country. In a democratic setup, viewpoints are welcomed before taking a decision of national interest. But in a non-democratic country the decisions are taken without caring for people’s views.

One of the important aspects we have to keep in mind is that every decision taken by the authorities in an organization including the Government is opposed or criticized by some people. Such actions lead to delay the implementation of the decisions. Who cares? Opposing for opposing sake or commenting for commenting sake has become habitual with many of us. Due to such attitude, ruling a country becomes very difficult for any political party or running an organization by an individual or group of individuals.

We support a decision if it benefits us. If not, we decide to express our comments and opposition through protest march, bandhs, peaceful processions, fasting until death etc. All these actions are to compel the authorities to accept our point of view. These pressure tactics at times, lead to violence too. Inconvenience to the public is caused by stopping the trains and buses to run, damaging public properties and at times clashing with people who hold different viewpoints.

We may be competent or incompetent to comment on others and other’s actions. But still we have the right to do so as the tax paying citizens of a nation.




Dr. K. Karunaichamy, Scientist, Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam, Kerala

 for sponsoring Sept., Oct., and Nov. 2013 issues


Dr. V.V. Ramamurthy, Principal Scientist (Entomology) and National Coordinator, IARI, New Delhi

for sponsoring Dec. 2013, Jan. and Feb. 2014 issues.


"Before you speak, listen.
Before you write, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you invest, investigate.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
Before you retire, save.
Before you die, give."


Physiology or Medicine: James Rothman (US) Randy Schekman (US) Thomas C. Suedhof (Germany, US) For - plotting how cells transfer vital materials such as hormones and brain chemicals to other cells, giving insight into diseases such as Alzheimer's, autism and diabetes.

Physics: Francois Englert (Belgium) Peter Higgs (UK) For - predicting the existence of the Higgs boson particle that explains how elementary matter attained the mass to form stars and planets.

Chemistry: Martin Karplus (US, Austria) Michael Levitt (US, UK) Arieh Warshel (US, Israel) For - laying the foundations for development of computers to understand complex chemical processes from the purification of exhaust fumes to photosynthesis, which helps in complex processes such as the development of drugs.

Literature: Alice Munro (Canada) For - being a master of the contemporary short story. Munro is acclaimed for her finely tuned storytelling, which is characterised by clarity and psychological realism. Some critics consider her a Canadian Chekhov.

Peace: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) For - its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons.

Economics: Eugene Fama (US) Lars Peter Hansen (US) Robert Shiller (US) For - their empirical analysis of asset prices.


·         Settle all the outstanding issues before hand and you will be able to leave without regret.

·         Let the doctors handle your body, God handle your life, but be in charge of your own moods.

·         If worries can cure your sickness, then go ahead and worry.

·         Our kids will make their own fortune.

·         Your old body – pay more attention to health, you can only rely on yourself in this.

·         Retirement funds – money that you have earned, it is best to keep them yourself.

·         Your old friends – seize every opportunity to meet up with your friends, such opportunities will become rare as time goes by.

·         Every day you MUST smile and laugh.

·         Running water does not flow back. So is life, make it happy.

·         Cry louder if you want to cry.

·         Life ends; when you stop dreaming.

·         Hope ends, when you stop dreaming.

·         Love ends, when you stop caring.

·         Friendship ends, when you stop sharing.


·         Having one child makes you a parent, but having two makes you a referee.

·         Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is always husband.

·         You can’t buy love but you pay heavily for it.

·         Wife and husband always compromise, husband admits that he’s wrong and wife too agrees with him.

·         Our language is called the mother tongue because the father never gets a chance to speak.

·         Man: We should all be good citizens and pay our taxes with a smile. Woman: I’d love to, but they insist on cash.

·         Lecture: An art of transferring information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of students without passing through ‘the minds of either.’


1.       Character isn't something you were born with and stuck with ... like your finger prints. It’s something you must take responsibility for forming ... and the same goes for happiness.

2.       Destiny isn't a matter of chance; it's a matter of choice.

3.       Life is full of good sound reasons and reasons that sound good. Choose wisely.

4.       Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

5.       Happiness is found in doing. Not merely in possessing.

6.       Learn to save money. People who spare now won't despair later.

7.       Being broke is a temporary condition. Being poor is a state of mind. When you live right, things tend to go right.

8.       Being sad and wealthy beats being sad and poor all day long.

9.       Organize or agonize.

10.    Problems are just unresolved opportunities.


Ø   Communicating with people offers you a wealth of information that can help you.

Ø   Enjoy anything that gets you thinking.

Ø   Distance yourself from aggressive people.

Ø   Think of a new use for everything you see.

Ø   Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have.




Enjoy the simple things!

Meet you next month – December, 2013


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP


Ph : 0422 2423017 Mobile : 098422 42301  (NARA’S DIGEST)  (NARA’S NOTEPAD)