Thursday, December 1, 2022











By November the autumn season has ended and the cold winter season has started in December all over the temperate countries of the West. Autumn is a beautiful season with the trees turning colours and that colourful foliage fall when the wind blows or otherwise because of their senescence. That’s why Americans call autumn the fall season. I was fortunate to see the autumn and winter seasons in France, Denmark, the UK and the USA. Since I was young at that point in time, I could enjoy these seasons even in the biting cold, rain and snow. The autumn with drizzling rain mixed with the fallen foliage of the trees makes a mess in the footpaths of the city roads of those countries. I still remember those scenes as if I were seeing them now. But in photographs and videos, the such mess will not be projected. Only the colourful leaves of those trees like the maple and the falling leaves are visible in the picture. The trees lining the highway roads and the trees growing in the woods are to be enjoyed on a car trip. Finally, it would be a great job for corporations to put people to gather these fallen leaves and transport them somewhere to make manure or burn them off. I do not know what exactly they do with it?

The bare trees without beautiful leaves during the months of winter enter into a stage of dormancy. Those poor trees drenched with pure white snow remain to wake up when the spring season arrives. The quantum of snowfall varies from place to place as the rainfall in our place. I have seen the snowfall in the Alps mountains where some of my French friends took me for skinning – a game to glide on snow by skating. They hired a pair of skis, boots and bindings and a pair of poles, helmet and ski gloves for me and made me a ski sportsman. They took some photographs of me when I tried to ski, it was funny. I could move with the ski in both my legs for a short distance balancing with the two poles. Indeed it was an unforgettable memory. I cannot forget about those winter seasons. It was a sight to see the corporation people clear the snow deposited on the roads every morning for the traffic to move on. 

Besoncon (pronounced as Besonson) is one of the cities I was sent to learn French when I went to France for the first time. Every day the French class started at 8 am. I used to get up at 7 am and take breakfast in the canteen. Then my friends from countries like Malaysia and Thailand walk on the snot to reach the French school. Some days we have to walk on 2 or 3-foot-high snow on the road. We used to play by throwing snowballs. When the snow melts, water mixed with the soil on the road makes a mess. I spent a holiday during winter at Odense of Denmark with a lovely Danish family. I met them on a summer holiday in Copenhagen. It was also a memorable part of my life. They used to take me around Odense to show me the snow-covered parks, houses and playgrounds.

Thus my experience with autumn and winter in western countries comes to mind when my Facebook and Tumblr friends sent me photos and videos of these scenes of autumn and winter seasons. You might have also experienced these seasons in those countries. But where I live nowadays – Coimbatore does not have autumn and winter. The winter temperature does not go below 18 degrees Celsius. It’s better for me as I am 80 plus now. I feel it is a lovely place where I live now. Many Decembers have come and many more to come! The Xmas followed by my birthday and retirement from service on 31 December are coming for a happy celebration. My best wishes to all of you. - NARA



Some Nice Things to Do

1. Wear what you want

2. Smile at a stranger

3. Don’t worry. Worrying about the future is useless. it will be a lot less scary than you imagined

4. Stop not caring about important things. care about everything and everyone you love with all your heart.

5. Stop checking your notifications every 2 minutes

6. Don’t play mind games with people

7. Make your resting face happier

8. Think happy thoughts even if it feels fake, and you will turn more positive

9. Be confident. Fake the confidence until you have natural confidence

10. Make every morning a new beginning



 Be more observant. Notice everything that surrounds you. The world is full of examples, ideas, words, wisdom, mistakes and experiences.


Collect ideas. Ideas and thoughts tend to evaporate from your mind too fast. Try to capture them before it is too late, ideally, write down or record every single one as a voice memo


Become more intuitive, trust yourself and accept your mistakes. Progress isn't linear but you will always learn something from your intuition.


Be kind to people, and radiate the energy you want to receive.


Communicate, with your partner, your friends, family, coworkers. Every little thing, even if you are scared people would judge you.



  Mind training can help enhance memory, response time and logical skills. Although research shows that the relationship between brain training activities and cognitive skill function is complicated, exercises can significantly reduce cognitive decline in the long run.

 On that note, here's a look at six exercises to strengthen the mind:

 1) Concentration Exercises: Mental concentration exercises are often powerful tools to strengthen the mind. It's a well-established workout to remove distracting objects when a child has an exam. Other simple exercises that can help enhance your singular focus are:

 a) Take a book - any book - and count the words in any paragraph. Then count them again to make sure you counted correctly. After you have practiced and are comfortable with one paragraph, gradually increase the number of paragraphs.

 b) Think about inspiring words, phrases, sounds or anything that motivates you, and focus on it for as long as you can. That can enhance your concentration and engage your neural pathways.

 2) Imagery: Mental practice refers to repeating something in our minds without any movement from our physical body. Meanwhile, imagery is a very focused and specific type of mental practice. Imagery uses all our senses to create an experience in our mind. By utilizing all our senses, we're able to regulate our emotions. Many athletes use imagery to control their anger, anxiety or pain. When used effectively, visualization or imagery can make the learning process more exciting. Paying attention to your diet can truly pay off, whether you want to optimize your nutrition during your workday or stay focused in a business meeting.

  3) Maintaining your memory, concentration and focus may be possible by eating a healthy, balanced diet that contains nutrients which improve brain function. Like all other organs, the brain cannot work without energy. The ability to concentrate and focus comes from an adequate, steady supply of energy (in the form of glucose) in the blood to the brain. That can be realized by incorporating more whole grains and fresh food into your diet. The greater the processing of a particular food, the lower its nutritional value and lower its power to improve brain function.

 4) Working with Complexity: Whatever mental exercise you do, your brain should push you outside your comfort zone. It doesn't matter if it's simple for someone else; what matters is that it's complicated for you. Brain training exercises should require you to practice complex thought processes, such as creative thinking and problem-solving.

5) Self-talk and Affirmations are powerful and can train your 



Whatever you want, do it now. – Pope Paul VI

 If you don’t have the capacity to change yourself and your attitudes, then nothing around you can be changed. – The Koran



Steve, a lonely bachelor wants some company, so he buys a centipede and a small box for it to live in. That evening he decides to go out. “Want to grab a drink?” asks the centipede. But there’s no answer from the box.  A few minutes later, he asks again – still no reply. Finally, hollers, “Hey! Do you want to get a drink?” “I heard you the first time!” says a small irritated voice. “I am putting on my shoes.”

As a stranger enters a country store, he spots a sign: “Danger! Beware of Dog!” Inside, he sees a harmless old hound asleep in the middle of the floor. “Is that the dog we’re supposed to beware of?” he asks the owner. “That’s him,” comes the reply. He doesn’t look dangerous to me. Why would you put that sign? “Before I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him.”



Ø  Learn to be indifferent towards pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, honour and dishonour that may accrue out of your action.

Ø  Learn to be pleased with everything.

Ø  Learn to celebrate failure.

Ø  Learn to forgive yourself and others.

Ø  Learn to give love, instead of asking for it.

Ø  Learn to laugh at life.


Do something rather than nothing!

Meet you next month –2023


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP




Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile : 75399 15614