Friday, October 1, 2021
















Money is one of the basic needs of men and women in this world. It is as essential as the air we breathe in and the food we eat. Without money, we cannot have a comfortable life. In fact, we need money to buy many things necessary for our life. Some of us are fortunate to have inherited money whereas others are not that fortunate to have such easy money. Therefore money making has become one of the aims of our life.

There are many ways money can be made. One major way is manufacturing (printing) coins and currencies. This activity is performed by the government departments. They are authorized, not the individuals like you and me. Regulations and procedures are laid out for the manufacturing of money. Money has a relationship with the country’s economy. The value of money varies from country to country depending on the growth of the economy. So every country knows how much money it can manufacture. As we the people cannot or not allowed to print notes or make coins. But illegally some people involve themselves in printing counterfeit notes. These notes are exchanged for genuine notes with an attractive commission. Once this is done the counterfeit notes mix with the originals and circulate among people like us. Such activities are unlawful and illegal but still, it is going on.

There are two major methods of money-making – legal and illegal. The legal way of making money is the safe way whereas the illegal way is always dangerous. However, in our society people do make illegal money also. The legal way of making money gives peace of mind. When we work we get salary. When we do business we make money as a profit. Daily wage workers earn money legally. Big industrialists and corporate make enormous amounts of money every month. Sometimes these people lose money also and end up in a hopeless situation. In fact, money-making is an art. For a common man, money gives happiness. When he has money he can buy things that he needs for his family. One can buy a house/apartment, a vehicle for his and his family, dresses for him and his family members and thus he can spend the money. At the same time, he tries to save some money for future use. So, making money and money management is important for moneymakers.

There are many illegal ways of making money. One of them is stealing. Others are cheating others by getting loans, by corruption lending money and getting interests, by robbery and other means. These moneymakers are many in our society. Every day we hear the news of chain snatching, pickpocketing, bank robbery all over the world. Some of these cases end up in police and court cases. These are regular activities of illegal moneymakers.

That is one side of the story of moneymakers. The other side is how to store the money made legally or illegally. The governments have set up strict regulations. Money laundering and the accumulation of black money are activities of every day. Some of the moneymakers are experts in these aspects. They know how to cheat the government. If they deposit the money in banks, they have to show proof of the source of income and also they have to pay income tax annually. So black money or the unaccounted money will be detected and the concerned person is arrested and recovered the black money. Some intelligent moneymakers buy precious metals like platinum, gold and silver and store them in bank lockers or hidden in undisclosed places. Buying landed properties or investing in some businesses is another way they employ for safeguarding their money.

Therefore, it is not making money but also to the management of it is very tedious. Generally, big moneymakers will be helped by auditors who advise the moneymakers appropriately and save their money. These moneymakers pay the auditors to keep safe their money. Politicians, revenue officials, police forces and many more are mostly involved in illegal money-making. What is the solution for all these illegal activities? Is there a solution at all for this? Some unlucky are caught whereas the lucky ones escape. What a wonderful world we live in? - NARA



The word  “joy,” means an intense, momentary experience of positive emotion, one that can be recognized by certain telltale signs: smiling, laughing, and a feeling of wanting to jump up and down. While contentment is curled up on the sofa,  and bliss is lost in tranquil meditation,  joy is skipping,  jiving,  twirling,  giggling.  It is a  uniquely exuberant emotion,  a  high-energy form of happiness.




Wanting Life To Be Fun is natural, normal and healthy. Every aspect of life goes better with fun. Fun can lubricate even the most tedious chore. And fun can infuse even the most serious of situations with the lightness of love.

1.  Practice random acts of connection. 

Really. It works. Wave to a firefighter. Smile at a cop. Salute a soldier. Hang with a kid. Have a friendly conversation with the cashier. Leave an outrageously generous tip. Drop-in a shelter. Volunteer at a literacy program. Show up at a community fund-raising event. Serve others. When you give, you feel more connected to other people.  And if you’re not naturally motivated to reach out to others, think selfishly: any altruistic gesture—from buying someone a coffee to let another driver in front of you—puts you on the fast track to feeling good.

2.  Make at least one just-for-fun phone call a day. 

Water your field of dreams—your energy field! Call a friend who is consistently fun to talk to. Just for the heaven of it! … not for business or to have any other need met. Simply ring someone up for a sociable hello without any agenda or expectation.

3.  Look upon life as a Mystery School.

Welcome, serendipity. Invite surprise. Cultivate spontaneity. Notice synchronicity. Know that the whole of your life—events, situations and people—has been secretly structured by your soul in order to bring you the experiences you want to have this lifetime. Approach life as if the whole of creation is conspiring to bring you goodness …because it is! Realize that unpleasant people and situations are deliberately placed in your path as a challenge to help you grow big enough to embrace even them. 

4.   Have an exciting destination. 

Seek wonder. Go toward joy, ease and adventure—not simply away from boredom, pain, struggle and fear. Don’t dwell on the old. Focus on your destination—move towards a fun future.

5.   Rejoice each step of the way.

To keep from being overwhelmed, break your larger goals down into more manageable steps. It’s easy to become discouraged if each step looms large and requires a major expenditure of time. Take at least one action a day—no matter how minor. Then you can make some progress only if you have a few minutes. It may be something as little as gathering or setting out the materials for the next stage.  - Keith Varnum



The person who masters change, masters happiness.

The best way to thrive in today’s ever-fluid, volatile world, is to become a master of change.

A “Change Master” not only welcomes, invites and celebrates the flux of constantly evolving life but also consciously drives and directs these rhythms. When you live “smart,” you drive change. You don’t have to let change drive you. When you shift from a “resistance-to-change” mindset toward a self-empowered frame of mind, you unlock your vitality, creativity and spirit. The better you manage change, the better you manage your happiness.

Change, the Unwelcome Guest

Most of us were not raised to welcome change. On the contrary, our modern Western culture promotes the opposite: the pursuit of predictability. We’re advised to try to keep our life as regular, set and stable as possible. The status quo is sacred. The unknown future is portrayed as dangerous and threatening. “Don’t rock the boat!” we’re admonished. The collective strategy is that the more aspects of our life that remain the same, the less we have to adjust and adapt. And the less we have to change, the easier life will be. The party line is that change is inevitable—unfortunately!—but certainly no fun. Having to constantly change and grow is experienced as a struggle—a challenging, hard ordeal—by most of our elders. Their motto: “Avoid change at all costs.” Look at the message of our public buildings. They are granite monuments to immutability and permanence. - Keith Varnum



War itself is, of course, a form of madness. It’s hardly a civilized pursuit. It’s amazing how we spend so much time inventing devices to kill each other and so little time working on how to achieve peace. – Walter Cronkite



Mr Wilson was the chairman of the United Way, which had never received a donation from the most successful lawyer in town. He called on the attorney in an attempt to persuade him mend his ways. "Our research shows that you made a profit of over $600,000 last year, and yet you have not given a dime to the community charities! What do you have to say for yourself?"


The lawyer replied, "Did your research also show that my mother is dying after a long illness, and has medical bills that are several times her annual income? Do you know about my brother, the disabled veteran, who is blind and in a wheelchair? Do you know about my sister, whose husband died in a traffic accident, leaving her penniless with three children?"


Sheepishly, the charity solicitor admitted that he had no knowledge of any of this.

"Well, since I don't give any money to them, why should I give any to you?"



Ø     Inspiration leads to imitation, which leads to your own style.

Ø  Inspire the world to think differently.

Ø  Inspired people will climb mountains.

Ø  Integrity precedes professional competence.

Ø  Integrity, empathy and zeal are critical during times of uncertainty.


We are free to be whoever we want to be!

Learn how to say no to people.

Meet you next month –2021


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP



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