Wednesday, September 1, 2021











                             TO PEOPLE LESS 



 Chaos is a disorder. In fact, the order is an offshoot of chaos. As we see the history of human civilization, we understand well that how humans lived in chaos and then how they developed an ordered lifestyle. Today, all of us are happy to see a somewhat orderly society. But, at the same time, we do see what’s happening in our neighbouring countries like Afghanistan and Myanmar? Afghanistan was taken over by the Talibans who roam around with guns in their hands and turbans in their heads. They kill people mercilessly. The foreigners who were there in Kabul, the capital city and other big cities tried to flee the country with the help of the US forces. Men and women with young children, elders and the like wanted and want to leave the country as early as possible because of the cruel nature of the Talibans. What a chaotic condition they all face! Reading the news every day since 15 August 2021 itself tell us the chaos prevailing in Kabul airport and the surroundings. There are terrorists among the Talibans. Talibans are unable to contain them and establish a peaceful nation of Afghanistan.

Similarly, the military took over the democratically elected government of Myanmar.  Aung San Suu Kye was arrested and kept behind bars saying that she is corrupt. People protested strongly against this allegation and the military rule. Many of them were shot dead and tortured by the military rulers. Some left the country to reach the neighbouring countries as refugees. Chaos prevailed and even now prevails in Myanmar.

Of course, all these chaotic conditions will come to an end over time. Chaos is something like muddy water. If you leave it undisturbed for some time, the mud settles down leaving clear water as an above layer. We can understand, therefore, order comes out of chaos over time. But during the chaos, people suffer and even lose their precious lives. No mercy, no pity, no kindness. Many nations have undergone chaotic conditions over time.

World War I and II, the Hiroshima atom bomb incident, Vietnam War, 9/11terrorism in the US, the everyday conflict between Israel and Palestine – are some of the events we know as the biggest chaos in our world. All these atrocities slowly ended and order was brought in slowly. However, the human lives lost were innumerable. The United Nations Organization (UNO) acts as a catalyst in the reaction of chaos to order.

Chaos occurs in the Universe and in all countries. Nature itself creates chaos. Chaos within the family is seen every day. Even individuals are prey to chaos. Planets in the cosmos are in chaos. Countries like the ones mentioned earlier are in chaos. Within countries, there are disputes among racial and religious groups. In spite of the rules and laws to control chaos and make an orderly society, often chaos takes over. In big cities, every day many unimaginable incidents occur either in the day or at night. Stealing, theft, robbery, shooting, killing, rapes, suicide and what not? Chaos and chaos everywhere.

Think of Nature! Calamities like hurricanes, storms, cyclones, heavy rains and winds, prolonged droughts, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, wildfires, high atmospheric temperatures are creating chaos on the planet of earth. All these calamities destroy the beautifully constructed cities killing thousands of people every year. Is it not the chaos caused by Nature?

Of late the invisible virus called Covid 19 created global chaos. The virus with its mutants infected billions of people belonging to all nations of the world and killed millions. We lost our family members, friends, doctors, health workers, politicians and lawyers. Such huge chaos created psychological fear, stress, anxiety and depression in the minds of everyone who are living. The pandemic changed the way of people’s lives. It made the people get vaccinated and wear face masks when they go out.

Coming to the chaos within a family is very serious. The relationship between husband and wife, and other relatives very often end up in chaos. Some get an order whereas many end up in a court to get an order. Peace of mind is one of the most important things we get in an orderly family. Children grow up as good citizens and try to live in a non-chaotic society.   

Last but not least is the chaos in the minds of individuals. Thoughts at times get confused and end up in chaos. Overthinking often leads to chaos. Negative thinking is another cause for chaos. However positive thinking brings in order and makes people happy.

Thus we see and feel chaos everywhere and in everyone’s life. If there is no chaos there’s no order. Hence, we have to learn how to rectify or reform chaos in order for a better life. Our duty is to make disorder into order. Let us try and succeed. -NARA



An idea is not the same thing as a fact. A fact is something that is dead, in and of itself. It has no consciousness, no will to power, no motivation, and no action. There are billions of dead facts. The internet is a graveyard of dead facts. But an idea that grips a person is alive. It wants to express itself, to live in the world. It is for this reason that the depth psychologists—Freud and Jung paramount among them—insisted that the human psyche was a battleground for ideas. An idea has an aim. It wants something. It posits a value structure. An idea believes that what it is aiming for is better than what it has now. It reduces the world to those things that aid or impede its realization, and it reduces everything else to irrelevance. An idea defines figure against ground. An idea is a personality, not a fact. When it manifests itself within a person, it has a strong proclivity to make of that person its avatar: to impel that person to act it out. Sometimes, that impulsion (possession is another word) can be so strong that the person will die, rather than allowing the idea to perish. This is, generally speaking, a bad decision, given that it is often the case that only the idea need die, and that the person with the idea can stop being its avatar, change his or her ways, and continue. To use the dramatic conceptualization of our ancestors: It is the most fundamental convictions that must die—must be sacrificed—when the relationship with God has been disrupted (when the presence of undue and often intolerable suffering, for example, indicates that something has to change). This is to say nothing other than that the future can be made better if the proper sacrifices take place in the present. No other animal has ever figured this out, and it took us untold hundreds of thousands of years to do it.




• Are preoccupied with what they are going to say instead of listening to the speaker.

• Quit listening if the speaker says something they disagree with.

• Hear only the statements that confirm their own opinions.

• Bend what is said to support what they already think.

• Use a comment the speaker has said to change the subject to their preferred topic.

• Start to tell their thoughts before the speaker has finished talking.

• Brag about their successes and victories.

• Talk too much (hence the saying, “There are some to whom there is nothing quite as lovely as the sound of their own voice”).

• Deliberately distract the audience’s attention away from the speaker (or say something that discredits him).Improve 70 Aspects Of Your Life 163

• Hijack control of the conversation so they can talk on topics of their choice.

• Speak with more emotion than is appropriate for the subject matter or situation.





It is easier to fight for principle than to live up to it. – A. Alder

If you are afraid of loneliness do not marry. – Anton Chekov

God heals and the doctor takes the fees. – Benjamin Franklin

Lack of money is the root of all evils. – George Bernard Shaw



We rebel against our own totalitarianism, as much as that of others. I cannot merely order myself to action, and neither can you. “I will stop procrastinating,” I say, but I don’t. “I will eat properly,” I say, but I don’t. “I will end my drunken misbehaviour,” I say, but I don’t. I cannot merely make myself over in the image constructed by my intellect (particularly if that intellect is possessed by an ideology). I have a nature, and so do you, and so do we all. We must discover that nature, and contend with it, before making peace with ourselves. What is it, that we most truly are? What is it that we could most truly become, knowing who we most truly are? We must get to the very bottom of things before such questions can be truly answered.



Murphy's Law

    If anything can go wrong, it will.

    If anything can't go wrong, it will go wrong.

    If anything can't go wrong on its own, someone will make it go wrong.

The Unspeakable Law

    As soon as you mention something...

    ... if it's good, it goes away

    ... if it's bad, it happens.

Nonreciprocal Laws of Expectations

    Negative expectations yield negative results. Positive expectations yield negative results.

Howe's Law

    Every man has a scheme that will not work.


  •  Ø  Learn from knowledgeable, most respected and most results-driven fun-loving teachers.
  • Ø  Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
  • Ø  Learn from your mistakes, and never repeat them.
  • Ø  Learn how to complete all that you undertake.
  • Ø  Learn how to make the right moves and you will be on your way to enjoying an amazing quality of life.



give your advice unless it’s asked for...

Meet you next month –2021


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP



Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile : 75399 15614