Wednesday, August 31, 2016


A doctor tells his wife, “You’re a terrible cook, you spent too much money, and you’re a lousy lover!”

Two weeks later, he comes home to find her making out with his parlour.

“What’s going on here?!” he demands.

“Just get a second opinion.” She replies.

“Did you hear what happened to Me?” one friend said to another. “He was seeing his doctor for six months because of chest pain and shortness breath. Last week he dropped dead from cancer.”

“That is terrible,” says the other friend.

“Well, I told him a hundred times to go see my doctor.”

“Is he any good?”

“Good? He’s the best! If he treats  you for heart problems... you’ll die of heart problems.”

I asked a young mother in our neonatal unit why she thought we had so many expectant mothers from her small town?

She said, “Well, we don’t have cable TV.”


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