Thursday, February 8, 2018


1. Distract yourself. Let your mind wander and think about fun things you’ve planned; or watch a funny movie; or call up a friend.
2. Play your favorite music.
3. Try and balance out your terrible day by thinking of something that went really well recently.
4. Try and squeeze in time for exercise. The endorphins this releases will help to lift your mood.
5. Don’t isolate yourself. Research shows that we generally feel better if we spend time with others, rather than retreating and being on our own.
6. Try to maintain perspective. Ask yourself, “How much will this matter - a week, month or year from now?”
7. Try journaling. Many people find that just writing things down helps to drain away the negativity.
8. Go to bed early and try to fall asleep … And remember that tomorrow is another day.

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