Tuesday, July 31, 2018


“This gay came by trying to sell me a talking dog for $10,” related the bartender
“I said, Get out of here!”
But the dog said, “Please, Sir, this man is mean to me; he never takes me for walks, hardly feeds me, …’
I said, “Hey, he really can talk. Why are you selling him for only $10?
The guy said, “I’m sick and tired of all his lies.”

When you wallpapered your lounge room,” Fred said to Peter, “how many rolls did you buy? Our room is exactly the same size.”
“Twelve,” Peter replied. About a fortnight later, Fred complained that he had six rolls left over.
“I’m not surprised.” said Peter. “So have I.”

The lecturer had reached one of his most telling points: “He who gives in when he’s wrong is wise; but the man who gives in when he’s right is ---“ Married,” came a voice from the audience.

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