Monday, October 1, 2018


What is correct? and what is not correct?
 What is right? and what is wrong?

are some of the questions bother us most of the time. A logical decision should be the solution. Something like 2 + 2 = 4 is correct for all of us; whereas believing without basis may be correct for some but not for all. Stealing is the right thing for a thief. Killing is the right thing for a terrorist; while for peace-loving people these are wrong and not correct. In fact, the thief, terrorist and peace – loving people are all human beings. Such differences occur among them! Strange! There must be some reason for it. What are those reasons?

Therefore it becomes necessary for every one to use the most powerful and sophisticated machine that has yet appeared on earth: the human brain. We do not often think about its ability. Once you start using it all the time to find out what is correct and what is not correct, then we will be able to lead a life free of fear, stress, anger and all unwanted thoughts.

The great potential of human brain is to discover the “unknown” little by little through knowledge, strength, health and happiness. Therefore I feel there is a hope to lead a life which we want the way we like.

Optimism is one of the important aspects of life. It takes us to a proper life style and achievement. An optimist is always happy and courageous. He or she has the capacity to carry on the right things in the right way. They have great hope and bright future. Why not we turn optimists? Think of it and act.

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