Wednesday, July 1, 2020


It is a general feeling that life was very slow in the past. But slowly and slowly it became fast, faster, and fastest. Today everything is moving fast. Speed has taken over distance. In the 1930s and 1940s, I was walking to school barefoot. I used to start at my house much earlier. Later on, walking was replaced by bicycles, school vans, hired, or shared vehicles to reach the school faster. Humans never stopped their thinking. Always they invented something faster.
If we see the development of transportation bicycles can go at a maximum speed of 130 kph, a bike 340 kph, car 300 kph, train 574 kph, ship 164 kph, airplane 805 kph, and a rocket 10,330 kph. With these unimaginable speeds distance is conquered to a considerable extent. As speed increases, we move faster and faster. As we move faster, accidents are also inevitable. Accidents do occur even in a slow world, maybe less in number.
Take, for example, the sportsmen and women who make world records in their speed to conquer the distance. Running race, car race, cycle race, bike race, swimming, rowing, and many more sports try to catch up the distance at minimum time. So speed, time and distance are the three factors we like to overpower in a sport. Winning a game on stipulated time and space is the basic aim of man as far as the sports world is concerned.
Even in our daily life, our activities are faster due to the availability of many gadgets or devices. Fastest life requires enormous energy and physical health. One has to plan and carry out the plan according to schedule. Multitasking is one way we increase the speed of life. Everybody wants to do things as quickly as possible and also everyone wants to get cured as fast as possible. No one has time to wait. In order to get the work done immediately, one tries to influence people by bribing them. So, a faster life also brings in corruption in our society. That is what we see and experience today. High expectations and ambitions in life always push us to a fast life.
 Even we look for faster recovery from disease and illness. Modern medicines help us to recover faster as compared to traditional medicines. As we move faster we are subjected to many innumerable accidents and illnesses. They are part of our life. Some people are fortunate to escape from such unfortunate incidents in life, whereas others are the victims who suffer and depend on advanced medical aid in super-specialty hospitals which help them by faster recovery.
The faster life requires more money; hence we are all after earning as much money as possible. To accelerate faster life, industries have sprung up all over the world. They make pieces of equipment and transport vehicles at high speed. Most of us spend our money to buy those gadgets to speed up our life. The mania for speed and faster life will not leave the minds of mankind. Everyone in this world moves fast and wants to run faster. No one can put a stop to it because one considers that fast life is the progress of our civilization. How fast are we going to be? - is the question many of us may ask. But there is no one to answer this question because time alone can decide about the desire of human beings. Slow life in a faster world is always dangerous. So be careful! Try to be fast too. - NARA

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