Thursday, September 1, 2022


1. Carry a plastic bag and pick up litter that you see

2. Pay for the person behind you

3. Put a cute anonymous note in a library book

4. Send a kind anon ask to someone you’re following

5. Tell your friends and family you love them

6. Make cookies for your best friend

7. Include someone who looks left out in a conversation

8. Hug people tightly

9. Say “thank you” to someone you appreciate

10. Compliment your friend’s talents

11. Have a checklist and challenge yourself to tick everything off

12. Stand up, stretch, and drink a glass of water every hour

13. Start jogging; don’t feel bad if you’re slow

14. Wake up early so you have time for both hobbies and studying

15. Look at things with your eyes more than you take photos

16. Treat yourself how you would treat your best friend

17. Learn how to bake a cake

18. Give yourself some time alone

19. Read a book

20. Try a new hairstyle

21. Learn a new language

22. Look at things and appreciate their poetry and beauty

23. Keep a journal for all the moments you want to remember

24. Pay more attention to the good things than the bad things

25. Have manners and don’t be aggressive or rude


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