Friday, March 31, 2023



 Get into the habit of finishing what you start. An unfinished project is of no value. Leaving things unfinished is a habit that must be changed.

 Find support through friends, acquaintances, and co-workers. If you surround yourself with motivated, visionary people you will naturally develop the attributes that helped them get that way.

 Mutual interests and like-minded associates can be excellent motivational tools.

 Another motivational tool is failure. Failure teaches us to keep trying until we get it right. No one ever became successful without prior failures.

Failure is a by-product of imagination and creativity. It challenges you to take risks and teaches you to keep trying until you get it right.

The fear of failure is a common factor among those who procrastinate. If you want to succeed in reaching your goals, you must be willing to take a risk and lose.

Many people trade joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment for a job that is considered conventional and safe.

The unfulfilling job is not the failure; not pursuing your dreams is the real failure. Developing a vision requires conquering your fears and finding motivation from within.

The power of your dreams is the primary factor in becoming motivated. Productivity will be the result of developing habits and attitudes that keep you on the right track.

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