Saturday, February 1, 2014


Explore Yourself: If you are busy finding faults with your partner, without considering how you may have changed, too, it will harm the relationship. You make an effort first. Do small things to make your partner happy.

Grow together: Every phase comes with fresh excitement and responsibilities. Discuss your inhibitions with each other. At various stages, you’ll discover different aspects of yourself, your partner and your relationship. Grow not only as individuals, but even as partners. It’s important to learn from mistakes and appreciate each other’s strengths.

Expectations create havoc: It’s impossible not to have expectations, but being a bit realistic and lenient can go a long way. Also, focus on your partner’s strengths, not weaknesses.

Take time out: Spend time with each other doing fun things, like you would have done during the initial days of your relationship. Invest time.

Build intimacy: Touching, holding hands, cuddling, and kissing help re-build intimacy. Saying ‘I love you,’ ‘I am sorry’ and ‘I miss you’ go a long way. These words, when taken for granted and unuttered, widen the gap in a relationship.

Blame game: Avoid blame games to resolve conflicts. On the contrary it worsens the situation.

Comparisons: Don’t compare your relationship with those of your parents, friends or extended family. Each relationship is different just as each person is.
                                                                              Melissa D’Costa

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