Sunday, March 31, 2013


The trouble with Americans is that when a thing is nearly right, they want to make it still better, while for a Chinese nearly right is good enough. The three great American vices seem to be efficiency, punctuality and the desire for achievements and success. They are the things that make the Americans so unhappy and so nervous. They stel from them their inalienable right of loafing and cheat them of many a good idle and beautiful afternoon.

According to the story of creation in creating woman, God took of the beauty of the flowers, the song of the birds, the colours of the rainbow, the kin of the breeze, the laughter of the waves, the gentleness of the lamb, the cunning of the fox, the waywardness of the clouds and the fickleness of shower, and wove them into a female being and presented her to man as his wife. – Lin Yutang

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