Friday, March 31, 2023



The statement that every act of resistance is a spark of hope suggests that resistance can be a form of hope, as even small acts of resistance can inspire hope for those who feel powerless or oppressed. It may encourage people to continue fighting for what they believe in, even if progress seems slow or difficult.

It’s important to note that while act of resistance is a spark of ‘hope’ may hold particular meaning in a democracy. In a democracy, citizens have the right to express their opinions and dissent, and acts of resistance can serve as reminders that individuals have power to challenge authority and hold leaders accountable. However, it’s also important to recognize that resistance should be carried out in a peaceful and non-violent manner, as violence can undermine democratic values and inhibits progress.

But in many democratic countries the resistance is not allowed. It’s true. In some countries acts of resistance may not be fully allowed or tolerated by the government or certain groups in power. This could be due to a variety of factors, such as strict laws and regulations, or lack of protections for free speech and dissent.

However, it’s also important to recognize that democratic principles and values, such as freedom of expression and the right to peaceful protest, are meant to protect the ability of individuals and groups to express their opinions and challenge authority. When these rights are limited or suppressed, it can weaken the democratic system and make it more difficult for people to advocate for change.

Ultimately, the balance between allowing dissent and maintaining order is a complex and ongoing challenge for any democratic society. It’s also important to note that corruption plays a role in democratic countries. Generally it’s not accurate to say that a democratic government actively promotes corruption in a country. In fact, most democratic societies have systems and mechanisms in place to prevent and punish corruptions, such as independent courts, law enforcement agencies, and anti-corruption commissions.

 However, corruption can still occur in any government or society, regardless of its political system. This is because corruption often involves individuals or groups seeking to gain personal or financial benefits through unethical or illegal means, and can involve a range of actors, including politicians, business people, and civil servants. It’ essential to understand that corruption can have serious negative consequences for a country, including undermining public trust in government, reducing economic growth and development, and exacerbating social inequality. Therefore, it’s important for democratic governments to remain vigilant in preventing corruption and ensuring that those who engage in corrupt activities are held accountable. The act of resistance to corruption is also essential. It’s said but not done. So the hope is there, but will it give some solution or not is unknown. Hence, the act of resistance is the only hope for the people to get what they want in a society. That is what happens in various democratic countries like Israel, France, UK, and Germany nowadays. -NARA


Prabhakar SVRK said...

Hello Sir, This is Prabhakar, I studied the plant physiology course offered by you in Masters (Agronomy) at Bapatla College. I just wanted to say hi to you, thank you for your wisdom and guidance, and wish you a healthy and happy life. Best regards, Prabhakar


Thank you Prabhakar for remembering me and seeing my blog. I am very glad to see you with your son, I hope, in the photo...I am fine doing all kinds of hobbies ... including blogging...hope you visit my blog every month...with best wishes to you and your family...where are you working now?


Thank you Prabhakar for remembering me and seeing my blog. I am very glad to see you with your son, I hope, in the photo...I am fine doing all kinds of hobbies ... including blogging...hope you visit my blog every month...with best wishes to you and your family...where are you working now?